
kentang here!

My photo
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
A part of being a khalifah-daughter-prefect-student-sister-aunt-tutor-motivator-mother ? ehhh wife punn blom lagi..acaner..tutor..motivator temberang sume tuu..

Thursday, January 19, 2012

a journey to strawberries world !

hai2 . . alohaaa . .
wehhhh. . lama gilaaa x update blog . .
besa laa . . org busy mmg cmni . . x busy mana pon . .
syarikat ada 10. . project suma stok2 oversea . .tu yg busy tuu . .
chettt! penipu punya org !

HAHA . KIDDING YA ! duit pun tarak . . x kn syarikat keliling padang bola sepak kottt.. .

emm , aritu FIRST TIME g cameron highland . . syok gila !
sejukkk ! x laa sesejuk London . . mini sejukk London gituu.. ahah.. .sudah mula merapu . -.-"

pegi ngn rombongan skolah . . jln pusing2 mmg x pyh ckp. . pening tahap naik roller coaster je ak rse . .

singgah ladang strawberi a.k.a STRAWBERRI WORLD !
LADANG TEH jgk . .tp time tu hujan . . hhmm. . tgk dari jaoh je . .
x lupe gk PASAR MALAM CAMERON.. syok ..siap mkn choklat strawberri lg..
cehh..suma tmpt ade laa coklat strawberi . . .nk bangga tu wat pe . .. -.-"

dh2 ... berhenti bercerita . . .itu saja corat coret corut tp bkn men pnjng...
time tu set a picture !!


cactus land pun ada ? -.-"

1 comment:

dayot said...

yerrrr. nk ekot g cameronnnn. hehe

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